Using the Golden Ratio in UX design
The Golden Ratio has long been a staple of Western design. There are many ways we can use it when designing visuals and interfaces as well.
The Golden Ratio has long been a staple of Western design. There are many ways we can use it when designing visuals and interfaces as well.
We all balance between intuition and precision in design. Experience guides our aesthetic sense, but there’s a place for numbers and formulas, too.
In the design world, the relationship between UX and UI still sparks many debates and defies easy answers. Let’s see if we can uncover any new revelations.
Apple’s Vision Pro hints at the future of Natural User Interfaces, where interacting with our tech will be primarily based on eye movements, gestures, and voice commands.
In a world dominated by online platforms and instant information retrieval, print encyclopedias have fallen into obscurity. Could there be another shift on the horizon?
All these rapidly evolving AI technologies promise so many possibilities when it comes to content creation. But who will be the one creating the content?
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